5 papers on Business Integration  

Business Modeling using an Object-Oriented Framework and Meta-Repository Architecture
Ontology-Mediated Business Integration
Ontology-Mediated Business Integration
Borys Omelayenko
Abstract. Traditional database- or XML-mediated business integration
approaches use inexpressive mediating models of database schemas or
XML trees, and a number of validation tasks need to be solved with
ad-hoc programming techniques. We propose an architecture for an
ontology-based business integration service relying on a composite mediating
ontology constructed from several business, a temporal, and a
mapping ontologies. The architecture allows using inference over these
ontologies to perform various validations tasks.
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081hv,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Mapping Technology for Enterprise Integration
Mapping Technology for Enterprise Integration
Borys Omelayenko Dieter Fensel

RDFT: A Mapping Meta-Ontology for Business Integration
RDFT: A Mapping Meta-Ontology for Business Integration
Borys Omelayenko
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science

Business-to-Business Integration needs a Meta Business Enterprise Ontology
Business-to-Business Integration needs a Meta Business Enterprise Ontology
Christoph Bussler
Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA

Borys Omelayenko* and Dieter Fensel
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV,
Electronic marketplaces for B2B electronic commerce serve a great mission of bringing together
lots of suppliers and buyers including small and medium enterprises into a world-wide global
trade. These companies use different document formats and document sequences in their
procurement chain and the marketplaces need to be able to easily plug these schemes in and to
translate business information between them. Existing document transformation technologies
require creation and maintenance of numerous complicated document transformation rules,
which grow exponentially in number related to the number of marketplace customers. Rule
complexity and their number hampers further development of the B2B mediation area. We seek
the solution of the complexity problem in multi-layered information modelling, where the
documents are translated between original XML serialization, RDF data model, and ontology
instance. Complex transformations are reached thought concatenation of a number of simple
transformation rules, which reduces required rule development and maintenance effort. We
provide the solution of the scalability problem with an ontology-mediated document integration
approach. Individual terminologies are aligned to the terminology from the correspondent
document ontology maintained by the marketplace, and the transformation between document
standards require linear number of links, instead of exponential in the non-mediated scenario. We
validate the approach with practical experiences taken from integrating two leading document
formats for B2B mediation area: cXML and xCBL. We consider the document integration task as
a motivating application for Semantic Web technologies, focusing on further re-use of the
proposed techniques.

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