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ebXML ebXML - должен знать каждый Scott Ambler’s Web Site For Object-Oriented Developers WWW.AmbySoft.Com A good developer knows that there is more to development than programming. A great developer knows that there is more to development than development. IT Papers IT Papers Огромный портал по метаинтеграции Meta Integration® Works (MIW) is a complete metadata management solution with sophisticated functionalities such as the Model Browser, the Model Bridges, the Model Comparator, the Model Integrator, and the Model Mapper all integrated around a powerful metadata version & configuration management. MIW is entirely written in Java, and can be connected to a local or centralized metadata repository. Reengineering LLC - прекрасный портал с хорошими демо Business Rules in English + Semantic Data Integration + English Explanations + Your Oracle Databases Please use one of the following browsers to run this system: Netscape 7 or Mozilla Then, click on Internet Business Logic for a demo The InfoSleuth Agent System Significant progress has been made recently in the development of technologies for uniform access to heterogeneous information sources and services. Examples of this include HTML/XML for document access, and ODBC for access to relational database systems. However, mere access to information does not always help the user, who needs to be able to locate the right information at the right time, and in an efficient manner. For example, the emerging Internet meta-search engines locate information, but frequently flood the user with an excess of information, most of which is irrelevant to the intended query. |